Writing the Past in the Present

This paper draws upon aspects of my autobiography to help understand the ways in which the recollection of childhood experiences may ignite earlier memories inherited from past generations.

«It seems to me that I have two homes»: Latvian Emigrants` Narratives about Integration in Swedish Society

The authors of this report will focus on a study of adaptation strategies used by migrants when joining the host country (Sweden), using the analysis of oral history interviews as the basis of their research. They will compare two waves of migration …

Escape Narratives of World War Two Refugees from Latvia

At the end of World War II, approximately 170,000 Latvians found themselves in Displaced Persons camps in occupied Germany. During this period they formed an exile ideology and started to think of themselves not as emigrants or refugees but as self-proclaimed exiles.

Läti tänapäeva ühiskonna etnilist identiteeti ja kuuluvustunnet käsitlev eluloouurimus

Grāmatas «Piederēt un atšķirties: romu, krievu un latviešu dzīvesstāsti Latvijā» (2017) recenzija

August Milts — filosoof eetika ja elulugude vahel

[Augusts Milts - filozofs starp ētiku un dzīvesstāstiem]

Sociālā antropoloģija Latvijā

Nacionālās enciklopēdijas šķirklis par sociālās antropoloģijas kā zinātnes nozares attīstību Latvijā.