Closing speech of the conference «Generation, Migration and Memory: Narrative and its Transformations»Speaker: Prof. Vieda Skultāne. November 13, 2020, Riga, Latvia.Vieda SkultāneNov 12, 2020Projekts PirmavotsVideo Konference 2020Vieda Skultānevadošā pētniecesociālantropoloģeLīdzīgiLeena Kurvet-Käosaar (University of Tartu, Estonia) «My memory is like a big house»: the transgenerational transmission of memory among Estonians in the diasporaMaija Krūmiņa, Maruta Pranka (University of Latvia). Place identity in the life stories of members of the Latvian diasporaProf. Molly Andrews (University of East London, UK). ’I am a child of my time’: the (in)conceivability of a country that is no longerGinta Elksne, Ilze Koroļeva (University of Latvia). Intergenerational relations and migration in families among Latvian emigrant communities & Agita Lūse (Riga Stradiņš University, University of Latvia). Remembering care and caring for memories: adoptees’ sources of selfThe opening session of the conference «Generation, Migration and Memory: Narrative and its Transformations»